by Olaf Pyttlik | Olaf's Corner
Introduction to ‘Heavy Strategy’ Games FollowFollowFollowFollow More Topics from IT'S YOUR TURN Last weekend I spent a couple of days with friends at their cabin… As usual I packed a bag filled with games to bring along, knowing full well that...
by Olaf Pyttlik | Olaf's Corner
Games as bring-along Gifts FollowFollowFollowFollow More Topics from IT'S YOUR TURN With the recent lifting of a lot of COVID restrictions, life is slowly returning to normal for most Manitobans… In my personal life that is especially felt when it comes to...
by Olaf Pyttlik | Olaf's Corner
Games for a cabin getaway FollowFollowFollowFollow More Topics from IT'S YOUR TURN Cabins are a wonderful break from the every-day stresses of our lives… and we certainly had plenty of those this year. Now that summer is in full bloom again, many Manitobans...
by Olaf Pyttlik | Olaf's Corner
The History of CLUE FollowFollowFollowFollow More Topics from IT'S YOUR TURN The philosopher Carl Young once said that ‘In all chaos there is a cosmos…’ For Anthony and Elva Pratt, who lived in Birmingham, England during the 1940’s, chaos was simply an...
by Olaf Pyttlik | Olaf's Corner
Less-Conflict Games FollowFollowFollowFollow More Topics from IT'S YOUR TURN The other day a parent asked me a question: She has two kids that are relatively close in age, and they all enjoy playing board games together as a family. The problem is that the two of...
by Olaf Pyttlik | Olaf's Corner
Nature Themed Games FollowFollowFollowFollow More Topics from IT'S YOUR TURN Our long Manitoba winter is finally over… and summer is visibly here. Temperatures have risen to balmy and pleasant degrees and the colours around us are changing from the wintery...