Across the Board strives to be a safe and enjoyable environment for all. Safer spaces are just that: places where anyone can come and know that they will be accepted for who they are, without fear of discrimination. We understand that sometimes our actions and words cause unintended consequences regardless of intent, which is why we use the term safer. We know that we will be continually learning and making changes to create the safest environment possible. Based on guidelines provided by the Mental Health Commission of Canada, Across the Board is committed to ensuring the following for our staff and customers: 

 The right to have your physical
and emotional boundaries respected at all times.





 Zero tolerance for violence or discriminatory behaviour of any kind. We reserve the right to
remove any persons causing physical, verbal, or emotional harm.

The right to express gender identity, sexual preference, religion, beliefs, etc. without assumption or judgement, including the use of pronouns and names.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 The right to excellent service regardless of race, gender, class, size or ability. 
































































If you witness inappropriate behaviour towards yourself or others, or are made to feel uncomfortable or unsafe in any way, please let a staff member know.

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or would like to join the ongoing conversation, please email us at [email protected]

Across the Board is located on Treaty One territory, the traditional land of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation. We recognize the importance of acknowledging the history of colonialism in Manitoba, and strive for recociliation with the Indigenous communities in whatever ways we can.

You can find a link to The Mental Health Commission of Canada’s website here.